Natural Mama Doc

Looking for a natural holistic approach to your health or for your family? Dealing with Leaky Gut? You are in the right place. Welcome! At Natural Mama Doc we treat the body as a whole to get to the ROOT cause for optimal health and living! We help families through diet, nutrition, & support for their individual needs.

Holistic, Wellbeing, Prevention, Functional.

Natural Mama Doc

Nutritional Response Testing, Zyto scans, Direct Labs, Supplements fulfilled through Fullscript and Energetix

Ready to take the next step in supporting your family’s health naturally? Contact Natural Mama Doc today to schedule your FREE discovery call and learn more about how we can help you.

Holistic Mom

Taking a comprehensive perspective involves addressing every facet of your family’s life to effectively ready you for pregnancy, childbirth, and parenting. This approach aims to optimize your physical well-being and your families. Establishing a strong foundation through a balanced diet and regular exercise is pivotal.

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Holistic Baby

Reduce the likelihood of sickness and health issues by steering clear of toxic chemicals that weaken the immune system. Foster a robust and resilient child by providing them with top-quality organic food and minimizing their contact with pesticides.

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Holistic Home

Why we should be discontinuing the use of harmful chemicals.. Toxic substances, prevalent in our bodies, food, residences, and the environment, are associated with various health problems, ranging from cancer to disruptions in hormone balance. To safeguard the well-being of our children and communities, it’s imperative to tackle the origins of these detrimental and harmful chemicals.

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Meet Lauren

Hi! I’m Lauren! I am a Traditional Doctor of Natural Medicine. I LOVE all things with motherhood, beauty, kindness, life in its fullness, food (of course lol), and the outdoors! I was raised with beautiful values on family and food. But most importantly, I believe in Jehovah, the Living God. The God who hears us, saves & delivers us, and DEEPLY loves us! He still hears today! He still loves and I believe He is for us. Blessings to you and your family! I speak life, fullness, and restoration over you!

Ready to book a consulatation?

If you would like to know more of how Natural Mama Doc can help you, interested in a consultation, or if you have any questions, send us a message! Book a discovery call FREE!



Packed with essential vitamins and minerals, these elements not only enhance your overall well-being but also contribute to an IMPROVED appearance and BETTER sleep quality. Often, symptoms that may go unnoticed are linked to nutritional imbalances, underscoring the significance of addressing vitamin and mineral deficiencies for a holistic sense of wellness

Ready to book a consultation?

Ask about what we have to offer: Nutritional Response Testing, Zyto scans, Direct Labs, or Nutritional supplements

Book a FREE discovery call today

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